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Healing is the process of making or becoming healthy, normal, or whole again {Oxford language dictionary}. Simply put, a process to restore your health to its original state.

Dealing with hardship is never easy and no matter the depth of challenges and struggles you find yourself in, your power to overcome them is the measurement of your strength.

Just as ailments come in different forms, healing in the same vein can be spiritual, emotional, or physical.

Spiritual Healing

The greatest cause of spiritual ailments or infirmities is sin. The burden of sin is heavy and will take its toll on a sober being. Spiritual healing takes place when the spirit has been made right with God, according to His demand as regards any form of shortcoming that must have taken place.  This usually takes place after one has pleaded for and received forgiveness and the joy of God’s reinstatement is activated in the human spirit. Spiritual healing is evidence of a smooth relationship between God and a believer.

Emotional Healing:  

All human beings are emotional beings and are wired to make strong emotional connections with one another. The moment there is a distortion in our emotional connection with one another, our souls become restless. This is a signal that all isn’t fine. Emotional imbalance or infirmities is largely due to dunghills of guilt over past offenses and misdeeds which would not hesitate to throw us into emotional bondage, thinking or knowing that God or whoever we may think we have erred isn’t cool with us. The situation may continue without any sign of termination in view if we do nothing to face the reality of confronting our past misdeeds, face our fears, and seek a truthful way to right our wrongs.

Physical Healing

With about 206 named bones, multiple muscles, and other body systems, the human body works in a wonderful mechanism that is more complex than that of a machine. Just as we expect a machine to break down if not well taken off or overworked, the body system is very likely to break down if it is overworked without a break or good care.

Although according to Jer. 30:17- God promised to heal us of our sicknesses and diseases this is not without us seeking the help to be made well through the right channel which could be medical, prayer, expression of faith, purification of thoughts, and willingness to live.

The connection between the Three Types of Healing.

We must not fail to note that the aforementioned classes of healing above are interconnected as the expression of the three classes are all found in humans thereby making the healing process intertwined. This could be interpreted to mean that complete healing will take place when the spirit is in harmonious agreement with the soul and the body.

How do One Activate Healing?

Apart from a case of supernatural healing, one who desires to heal has a very great role to play in accessing complete healing by putting into active consideration the following steps.

Spiritual and Emotional Healing

  • Prepare your heart
  • Confess your sins
  • Ask for forgiveness
  •  Forgive others and yourself
  •  Read and claim the word of God
  • Seek and accept forgiveness from God
  •  Deliberately distance yourself from guilt, shame, bitterness self-condemnation
  • Give thanks to God and free from sin.
  • Think positively.


Physical Healing

  • Listen to what your body is telling you
  •  Faith to receive healing
  • Forgive others and yourself
  • Spiritual and Emotional healing
  • Seek help where and when necessary
  • Manage your stress
  •  Eat right
  •  Rest well
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Think positive


In conclusion, here is the point, healing comes from within and for that reason, you have to be intentional about it. It may take time, but it will surely happen. Above all, perfect or complete healing comes from God and as such, our hope, faith, and assurance of healing should lie solely with God. It’s Healing O’clock, shrug off your tiredness, and be refreshed from your inside out.


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